Tuesday, April 25, 2006


Politics can make me sick.

Not lowering the flag for every soldier's death = good thing.
Give them respect when they are alive, and you won't have to feel that there is a lack when they die.

That is all.


Anonymous said...

what about not showing the funerals? good thing or bad thing?

Darth! said...

It is pretty sad that when politicians try to score political points off of a soldier's death.

Any predictions on the upcoming budget, with regards to military spending?

Anonymous said...

I think it's a tricky issue. On the one hand, I think the gov't is trying to reduce the visibility of Canadian casualties. On the other hand, I think their stated reason for not lowering the flag is reasonable.

Snides said...

You can see the funerals if the families allow; it is the repatriation that the media was prevented from filming. From me, no comment.

Lowering the flag on a case-by-case basis, as was being done, was no good. They lowered it for the submariner killed in a training accident, and then didn't lower it for some of the soldiers killed in Afghanistan. And do you think it was lowered during the War? I don't think there were any complaints about it then. There was no proper regulation to the approach lately, and I am glad to see that the old tradition will now be continued. This has the support of the CF, Veteran's groups, and even me. The govt should not fold to this pressure to reverse the decision.

As for the budget, I wouldn't expect much in the military end of things. They have too much going on with tax cuts and domestic issues. I figure they will probably just put the money aside for previously-announced projects - maritime helicopters, mobile gun systems, that sort of thing. I wouldn't be expecting arctic icebreakers or C-17s anytime soon.