Sunday, February 18, 2007

Inconvenient Truth

This weekend, I finally saw "An Inconvenient Truth." It's about time. Though its purpose may become slightly distorted in some of Al Gore's personal moments (like showing results of the presidential election and recounts and all of that fiasco), the overall message is clear - we are destroying the world, eating it up faster than it can regenerate itself. It is refreshing to see a politician who is so clear and passionate about something, obvious though his claims may be to many people, and to see it presented by a man who knows how to lecture. It provides quite the contrast to the speaking skills of the man who beat him in the aforementioned election. It makes one wonder what the world would be like, if the votes had turned out differently. I recommend that you see this movie.


Anonymous said...

Yeah, I need to watch this. I've heard nothing but good things. Originally when I saw it in Blockbuster I was like "SWEET. AL GORE" so I didn't get it.

Anonymous said...

I haven't seen the movie yet, but I hear its quite good...and about global warming, so I will use your blog to blatantly advertise...

I am doing to CN Tower Climb to raise money for the World Wildlife Foundation (to help prevent Global Warming). Please Donate!!!

Snides said...

I already donate to them. You don't get to take my money and say, "Look everyone! I helped the world!" Because in fact, you have not made any difference. That was ME.

Sorry to bring the facts to you, but that's what they are.

Anonymous said...

does that mean you won't sponser me, hero boy?

Snides said...

Umm...yeah, that is actually all I was trying to say. You said it in a lot less words.