I broke up with my girlfriend. I am stuck in a little hole of a "house" that is regularly over 30 degrees. I learn French everyday. So I'm sure you don't blame me.
So last weekend was approaching, and I was trying to think of what could possibly raise my spirits. As luck would have it, a friend (named Strak) had rented out a cabin he claimed was nearby, but other friends had sold him out so now he was stuck with it. He was paying either way, so did I want to come? "What? You mean you're only asking me because your real friends ditched you? I'm IN!"
So off we go on Friday evening, dudes' weekend out with 3 of us. He told me this lake was a couple hours away. Turns out couple = 4. But we have all the food and snacks we could ask for, as well as some good tunes, so nobody's in a big rush. We get there close to midnight, and where do we head? Directly for the hot tub. Nothing like 3 men in a tub. But to make it bearable we brought a bit of beer. How much is a bit, you ask. 108, to be exact. Two 24's and two 30's. For 3 average sized human beings. For 2 days. So...we drank.

We managed to get quite a few of them downrange that night, largely because we stayed up until 5 am. The most interesting event, however, happened at just after 1. Strak's best friend and his wife rolled in around that time, passing through the area heading for a wedding the next day. So they hop in and start hitting their own beer stocks. Next thing you know, new best-friend guy is spitting off the balcony. Unfortunately, Strak's brand new car was there. So he told best-friend guy to stop. In response, friend spit again. Strak told him to stop or he would get him back. He spit one more time. Strak gave him a nice slow 10 second countdown before he would definitely get him back. Friend-guy was calling bluff. So Strak walked down to where the cars were, stood up on the hood of the guy's wife's car, and took a leak all over the windshield. Rather over the line, but hilarious nonetheless. Strak returns up to the balcony and tries to go inside. Wife goes CRAZY and is screaming and telling him he is never welcome at their house again. New-guy is feeling pretty damn stupid for not cleaning the car, since now he has two cars to clean. He does so after wife stomps inside and goes to a room, and they leave before I get up in the morning. Sweet.
Next day we went fishing. I just sat in the boat and drove us around while getting a sunburn. That night we ate more food than I have eaten in months, sat in the hot tub again until the wee hours of the morning, but only managed to finish 90 of the beer. Yes, a sad day, but a proud accomplishment nonetheless.

Until next time.
90 beers is a lot of beers. That's awesome. And your friend Strak is my hero for urinating on the friend's wife's car. I will model myself after him, except for the whole army thing.
I seem to remember that I peed on YOUR car, back when you lived on whyte. Perhaps you should model yourself after me. Alas, I didn't stand on the hood in front of everyone and do it.
Hey! I started the whole peeing on my car thing. Don't steal my thunder. And I peed on a fireman's memorial.
That's two for me. WHAT.
I'm glad you didn't stand on the hood. Tha Bodmobile didn't need any more speed dents. It already went TOO FAST TOO FURIOUS.
I'll be home soon...perhaps the Golf needs to go faster?
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