Tuesday, June 28, 2005

I'm going to get mocked for this one...

Tonight...I saw Star Wars Episode III.

Yeah yeah, make fun of me for posting about Star Wars if you will. But I thought it was pretty awesome. And there are a whole lot of points that I took out of it:

-this episode has the best light sabre battle ever seen
-you can be the best warriors in the galaxy, but if you don't know who the enemy is you're toast
-whenever the bad guys take over, it starts to rain
-the Force is strong in a very multicultural bunch of people
-even when she's pregnant and dead, Natalie Portman can still be pretty hot

So those are the minor points. But since Star Wars is all about the Force and the Dark Side, the main point to be taken is:

-Love, not anger, leads to the Dark Side

Now how the hell did I come up with that? Simple. Mr Skywalker there turned to the Dark Side because he loved his wife so much and wanted her to survive. And then she loved him so much that she went after him, and died because of it. So now we have a pissed off Darth Vader, a dead Padme, a destroyed race of heros and a Republic in ruins. All because of love. Maybe it's not all it's cracked up to be. If Anakin didn't love Padme so much, the Jedi would still be alive, she would probably still be alive, the evil Empire never would have been created, and the Chancellor/Emperor would have been taken down. Damn you, love, why must you lead to the Dark Side?!

If he would have just been committed to his job like a good civil servant, instead of to his wife, the galaxy would have been a better place...I think I will try to live my life in the way that would have saved the galaxy. I will dedicate myself 100% to my worthy and noble cause, and leave love to others.

One more thing...I hope one day to have half the cajones of a particular little green dude.


Anonymous said...

I love the particular little green dude. And if there was no love Matt, the world would stop procreating and cease to exist and life would be very boring without the drama that love causes. But, you're right, this star wars did rock!!!! Can't wait to hear you opinion of Batman.

Snides said...

Yeah, I'm not going to stop the world from loving. I'm just going to have to leave it to others. Anyway, I think all you need to procreate is reproductive organs, alcohol, and Barry White. No love required. Some LOVIN', yes, that is required.

Anonymous said...

Hahaha, good call on the procreation, Matt.

Honestly, did it take Star Wars to make you realize love leads to the Dark Side? Could you not just figure that out from the past, oh, 23 YEARS OF MY LIFE?!? It's okay though, we'll leave love to everyone else, and me, you, and Tim will kick it bach style. TIL WE DIE.


Snides said...

That's right, it will be you, me, and Tim. And love will totally NOT be involved.

Cracker said...

How about a fucking disclaimer Matt? Jesus F. Christ. I can't believe you actually told me that Natalie Portman dies pregnant, and the real reason Darth Vader goes to the dark side. You ruined the whole movie!! F'n hell...

Nick Danger said...

No no no, WTF Matt?!?! Anakin turned to the Dark Side not for love but for selfishness. It was all about him. He didn't want to go through the grief process again after losing his mother. He wanted Padme as a possession. I have the advantage of a good bootleg copy and I've seen it quite a few times. Anakin NEVER expresses concern for Padme’s well being. He always words it “I won’t lose you”. He never says anything like “I don’t want you to suffer” or “You’re too young to die” Palpatine clearly placed the premonitions of Padme’s death in Anakin’s dreams so he could play off of them in turning Anakin to the Dark Side. When Anakin seeks Yoda’s council on these premonitions Yoda warns him “Fear of loss is a path to the Dark Side” Danger

Anonymous said...

Holy crap, this got nerd fast.

Cracker said...

huh... until just now I actually still wanted to see it. Oh well. Batman anyone?

Anonymous said...

I'm in. We can discuss how Batman's armoured suit symbolizes his battle with his innermost feelings of inadequacy and regret.

Or just watch shit blow up, like REAL men.

Cracker said...

I don't even know if I'll watch. I may just lean back, undo my pants and fall asleep. REAL men!

Snides said...

Haha, oh man, this got way out of hand.
Nicky Danger - yeah, you're probably right. But it's not as funny that way.
Cracker - if you really wanted to know you would have a)seen it already; or b)stopped reading when I told you I was going to talk about the movie. Besides, you don't REALLY know yet.

Anonymous said...

I was at a movie last night..war of the worlds..got there really late and we were right in the front...anyhoo, the projector breaks and we have to move to another theater...so they're like "okay, this is going to be real organized, and we're going to move row by row so everyone gets their same seats"...heh, using the honour system eh suckers? needless to say, we found ourselves a nice seat middle center. Jeeze, who moves the front row first? amateurs

Nick Danger said...

Actually it got nerd when you posted pictures of yourself playing guitar to post comments online. But hey, who am I to talk? In certain circles I go by Darth Cannabis the Stoned and hang out with Dart Nerdicus the Knowledgeable. Danger

Anonymous said...

Ya, guitar is pretty nerdy. WAY nerdier than Star Wars. That being said, I'm watching Star Wars movies all night on Saturday.

Snides said...

Now children, this isn't a forum to bash each other - this is only a forum for me to bash you. And if you bash me, I will delete it. Yes, I do feel good about myself.

Anonymous said...

Yes. That was a good bash.