Tuesday, July 05, 2005

What I ask of life

I have an awesome job. I love it. I never want to give it up. I would like to be the big boss one day.

I used to think that the perfect girl would be one who would give up what she had and follow me around when my job moves me. I have thought this way for years. I even had a girl who would do that.

Yesterday, my thoughts changed.

I think the perfect girl will be one that will make ME want to give up what I do for her. Or rather, a girl that would be worth giving up what I do.

Life's funny like that. From wanting to be defined by a job, to wanting to be defined by another person. I hope I get this perfect girl, in my new image of her.

But hey...maybe tomorrow that will change.


Anonymous said...

See...this is what happens..airforce and BAM! You're a girl

Snides said...

Hey. I can't deny it.

I mean..uh...I'm a MANLY man.

Unknown said...

Don't worry Snider. I don't think you're a pussy.

This, coming from your girliest of friends. I suppose that's not much help.

But HERE'S a question for ya. What if you meet that chick - the one that makes you want to leave what you do, because she's the only thing that matters - but SHE wants to leave what SHE does, cuz YOU'RE the only thing that matters? What then, huh? You gonna just float in love limbo for the rest of eternity? Ever think of that? Hmm? Love Limbo? Ya? Hmm?

That's why you just steer clear of girls forever because girl is Latin for SATAN.

Snides said...

I guess then we would both quit our jobs and buy a cabin in the woods, wearing sandals and hemp shorts and eating tree bark and berries for the rest of our glorious days together.

Unknown said...

Ya man. We have to buy a cabin in the woods in Montana though. That's where all the crazies hang out.

Cracker said...

Translation to Matt's Blog:
He's in Love with Angela, dropping out of the air force and moving to Saskatoon to cook her meals while she studies.

Nice knowing ya Matt.

Snides said...

Arch: Do all of your ex-girlfriends live in Montana? Is that what you mean?
Cracker: Is that bad?

Anonymous said...

Leave the sandals and hemp to me, thank you very much

Unknown said...

I don't know if they LIVE in Montana now, but I'm sure they originate from those scary woods.

I like how Cracker tries to make fun of you/us for 'selling out', when he dropped 56 months pay on an engagement ring.

Snides said...

No kidding. And just between you and me, I saw the ring and it didn't look like it was worth more than 53 months of pay.

Unknown said...

Holy crap! What a shitty ring!

Cracker said...

Hey, EFF you guys. We're in LOVE ok?

Ha ha... I love being super lame to piss you guys off. Seriously though, I'm not lame.

Matt: No, it's not a bad thing, and it looks like at LEAST 54 months pay.

Jeff: I hate you. You're so bitter and cold

Justin: I don't care if you live in BC, I'll out sandal and hemp you ANY day. Nanaimo doesn't count anyways. It's too nice for Hippies.