1. a. A comfortable and elegant mode of existence: living in style.
b. A mode of living: the style of the very rich.
2. a. The fashion of the moment, especially of dress; vogue.
b. A particular fashion
u·til·i·ty Pronunciation (yoo-til-te)
n. pl. u·til·i·ties
1. The quality or condition of being useful; usefulness.
2. A useful article or device.
fu·til·i·ty Pronunciation (fyoo-til-te)
n. pl. fu·til·i·ties
1. The quality of having no useful result; uselessness.
2. Lack of importance or purpose; frivolousness.
The main question here is - Do I have style? This will be explored through two main examples - two items, in fact - on which large (by my standard) quantities of money were spent last week.
Exhibit A.

Now I'm no expert, but I would say this is a decently stylish suit. It's no Ralph Lauren, but it certainly gets the job done so that I can fit in to all but the most formal occasions.
That being said, it will be of minimum use overall. I certainly won't wear it to work, I have a uniform. So it will likely get worn only once or twice per year. Even if I wear the same suit 5 times a year for 5 years, that is still a cost of well over $20 per occasion. That's probably almost as much as the dinner I will probably be at. So, in conclusion, good style, poor utility.
Now, for exhibit B.

That is one UGLY-ass canopy.
So I have a small truck. It's pretty good to me, and it is in good shape. But throw a canopy like that on the back, and the style figure hits...hold on...let me calculate....zero. It has a metal roof rack, sliding side windows that don't slide, and the back window seal is falling off. As someone told me so elequently, they expected an 80-year old man to walk out.
But you know what? I don't care. Not even one bit. I was sick and tired of my crap getting wet or covered in snow, and now it won't. So if you don't think it's stylish...I agree. But if you don't think it has maximum utility (with small cost), then you're crazy. And if you wouldn't drive around in something like that...ok, that's fine. I guess that style is more important to you than me. But I'm all about the utility. If I had to return one of these two purchases, it would be the suit.
So now I guess you know more about me. And you've seen my stylish suit and utile canopy. Comment away.
I hope it was on sale. Couldn't you have at least tried to get a tonneau cover?!? Well, I hope you got a hell of a deal...
What the FUCK is a 'tonneau' cover, you goddamn ungrateful French piece of shit? Go back to drinking wine and giving up on everything.
The suit looks good. Black never goes out of style. Shirt and tie look kinda bland tho. It's all about the solid colors. Get some bright colors in there.
The canopy is uglier than Kyle's moms in the morning. And that's ugly. Yes it works, which is good. But if you woulda bought a COOL car, like a Golf, you coulda thrown a Thule on top and still had mad steez. However, I wouldn't have had any method of moving for the past 3 years. So good choice on the truck.
Hey, your ugly truck isn't as ugly as my car with the rust and missing grill and bent up hood. So stop complaining. But nice work on the suit! Dean had to pay $500 for his.
anonymous was me, your fav little sis
I just came back here to read the comments and saw that picture of your truck again. Wow. That canopy is really, really hideous.
Yep, it sure is hideous. Cost $160. Can't get a tonneau cover for that price, and a new canopy is even more than a new tonneau cover.
The shirt and tie are actually pretty good, you can't really tell because the flash sort of makes them lighter. Well, I think they're good. That's what the girls in the suit store said. I obviosuly wouldn't know myself.
p.s. Michelle? Are you complaining about your car? How much did it cost????
Yes! Sibling rivalry!
You should rock a lime green shirt with a darker green tie. That'd be hawt. Take my word. It's not like my wardrobe consists of jeans with holes in them and shirts that people died in and I paid $3 for.
But yes, the canopy serves its purpose. It's no Bodmobile (original), but what is?
Jeeze, there's like 6 people posting now..this place is getting outta control..How many people have to read this blog before it goes platinum? I think it just went coal...coal's cheap
Ha ha.. Good one Justin. You're much funnier than Matt. You must be the reason this site went Coal.
Matt, $160 is pretty good. Better than $1200 for a tonneau. You win this round.
Jeff- This French piece of shit is gonna beat the hell out of you.
Holy CRAP I'm getting more popular by the day.
Too bad I'm fresh out of ideas and likely won't having anything interesting to say AT ALL. Maybe something will come to me. One day, I will go OIL. It will be worth more than gold eventually.
Shut up you goddamn frog. God I hate you SO MUCH.
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