Friday, September 23, 2005

The Injured List

An update to our friend Paul, who was injured in the dodgeball tournament:
They took some x-rays of his hand and finger. The doc said it was ok and was just "extensive soft tissue damage." She would get a second opinion, but told him to keep moving it to maintain mobility and function. That was monday. On THURSDAY they called him up and told him it was indeed broken. "You haven't been moving it, have you?" Oh no, of course not. Except you TOLD him to. So he went in to get a cast. When he got there, they decided he needed another examination. All the swelling had gone down and the pain had started to subside, but...not anymore, after this doctor got to it. Now the swelling and pain are back, and they think it is dislocated, the third diagnosis of the same injury. So he has a half-cast. And everyone's faith in doctors...going downhill.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

NEVER put your faith in doctors... you need a well trained x-ray technologist like myself (now with one whole day of work experience)to help you out. Next time someone breaks something, spend the money and come to my hospital in Ontario....we actually know what we're doing.