I remember younger days. Days when I thought that the Dodge Stealth was THE car to have. Days where I didn't need technology to entertain me, but when I did it was Police Quest on the computer, with its small grey rectangle with a little blue bar across it representing my police cruiser. When the important decisions of the day related to whether or not to wear a toque, because it was cold, or not, because maybe it wasn't "cool?" I remember one of my all-time favourite lunch-hour and recess games, Wild Snides. I certainly wouldn't care about a 8:1 male-female ratio, because girls couldn't stop me in Wild Snides so what good were they to me anyway? My most important money decisions involved slurpee vs. mars bar when I went to the Happy Mart. Anywhere I needed to go, and everywhere I could imagine going, was within biking distance. My Christmas list was at least 20 items long - I KNEW what I wanted from life, and that was The Wheel remote control car. Lollipop park behind my house, hiding in the "lollipops" like they were spaceships.
No, this post isn't going anywhere. No grand conclusion here. I just hope I am doing things now that, when I look back in ten or twenty years, will seem just as good as my last twenty have been.

Good entry buddy. Ah, the Happy Mart, lollipop park, and Wild Snides. So awesome.
Maybe I should have explained The Wild Snides? Na, I'm sure everyone can figure it out. It's right in the name.
lollipop park!! That was the best park ever. And good pic!
Nice tricycle. Bitch.
What you call me? Did YOUR tricycle have a Royal Reserve sticker on the front? Didn't THINK so. I was keeping it real at 5 years old.
Dang, it really does have a RR sticker! I take it all back.
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