Tuesday, November 29, 2005

Number crunching

There are only three places where I go nearly every day. These three consist of my room, my work, and the gym. Since these are the places I frequent, I thought I should do a quick head count to see what I could come up with in regards to demographics. And this is what I found:

My place - just me
My work - 9 males, 2 females
Cardio room - 20 males, 4 females
Weight room - 26 males, 2 females

So altogether, we have a male:female ratio of exactly 8:1. And, I would like to add, the total number of females that meet the two criteria of a) being under 40 years old; and b) likely weighing less than me (at 80kg) equalled exactly one. That brings the ratio to 56:1.

Sure, there might be interesting or even pressing current events going on in the outside world right now. But I couldn't help but write this post about myself. Because with odds like that, I should have a long long future of posting here, with no female to interfere with my time.

Note: Yes I DO have a girlfriend, and yes it is all going great. Just observations, that's all. And everyone is always wondering why I have a long-distance girlfriend...


Unknown said...

Fucking females. No seriously, they just ruin fun.

Is it built into your chromosome, or WHAT?!?

Anonymous said...

yeah, Jeff, it is built into our chromosome. Now you can't hold us responsible. Matt.....that comment is freaking HILARIOUS!!!! Yet somehow it sounds true.

Snides said...

OK, if you don't want to be held responsible your chromosomes then we are not responsible for our spitting/scratching ourselves/beer-drinking/cursing/ragged t-shirt-wearing/"I can never take you ANYwhere" ways.

Happily, I don't have to buy a ring. So I don't have to look for a sale.