Sunday, March 05, 2006


I'm sure, as with all hockey fights, this will prevent chipiness, make skilled players feel more secure, and "equalize" what the referees don't call. Oh yeah, and it is part of the "culture," so that automatically makes it good, right?

It's also why you see 8 year-old players drop the gloves playing shinny. Only in hockey.

So stupid.

Fighting in sports is useless.


Anonymous said...

Thats quite the riot!!! I counted about 190 slashing penalties in there...those crazy Romanians!

Anonymous said...

I went to a Lacross game in Victoria once and all of a sudden, the play stopped and these two guys dropped their gloves and started fighting..I was like "what the hell is this about?"

pretty ridiculous

Anonymous said...

Too bad the videotape stopped. They missed the part where I came out of the stands and dished out roundhouse kicks to the faces of every player. Chuck Norris style.

Anonymous said...

you guys remember Ben Ondrus from my grade in high school?? Turns out he played his first game for the Maple Leafs tonite...did pretty well too. Interesting.

Anonymous said...

Really? That's pretty cool.