Monday, October 31, 2005

Pumpkins and Superfriends

Hallowe'en - when else can you dress up in ridiculous clothes, put on face paint, get ridiculously drunk with friends, and beg strangers for candy?

Oh wait...I do that every weekend. In any case, this past weekend was the big Hallowe'en party. The several hundred dollars of entertainment included lights and a fog machine, a keg, bobbing for apples, karaoke and a pinata.

As might be expected, things were broken, pumpkins were smashed, and I sang Take on Me. Here are some photos:

The hosts - and stars - of the show, The Superfriends of JC Brown.

Even (read: especially) the Superfriends need some spiritual guidance.

Gene Simmons would be proud.

Preparing for the pinata swing...after being fed beer with a high-speed delivery device.

The hockey stick swinging heard 'round the world...that pinata didn't see it coming. Ok, I didn't actually hit the pinata, I hit the clothesline made of metal cable and snapped it in two. Oops. End of party.


Unknown said...

Hey... hey Matt. You have small biceps.

Oh no wait that's me. Looks like a good time, buddy. Way to put those years of home-run derby baseball practice to good use.

Snides said...

Yeah. But I don't think I ever hit a home run with a baseball. Looks like I'm still improving.

Cracker said...

Hey Matt, you look tiny. You should work out your arms more. Seriously.

Snides said...

Well, you know what they say..the camera adds 10 pounds. To the biceps.