Sunday, February 12, 2006
So I was watching women's hockey this morning. Why, I don't know. I turned it off when it was 7-0 Canada over Russia in the first period. But I noticed something: most of the women have short hair, or their hair is tied up. In men's hockey, on the other hand, they take pride in their long flowing locks. So how do we differentiate between whether you are watching a men's game or a women's game? Here is my hint:
Seriously, one of those girls is 5'2" and 121 lbs. That is about the size of Georges Laraque's left biceps. Wow.

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I see you're getting more artisitc, with the Janet Gretzky Devil and the little hockey woman. Very nice!
I know hey? It's ridiculous. I remember watching about 2 minutes of the Canada/Italy game (seriously, 16-0? wow) and thinking that the Italian goalie could probably stand under the crossbar.
It's like midget hockey!
It IS like midget hockey. If by midget you mean 15 year-old boys, because that is who the Canadian national team played against to prepare - midget boys' teams from Alberta. And they lost half of their games. Oops.
ARE YOU SERIOUS?!?!?! HAHAHAHAHAHAHA. Fuck girls suck at everything. Okay I take that back. You ladies rule the kitchen. Oh oh, AND the ironing board.
And now all your female readers hate me. Oops.
I know some chicks that know how to use sticks!! Hockey or otherwise...
Nice work, now all my female readers hate me. Luckily they didn't much like me to begin with. And, in addition, I don't really know any of them who can cook or iron.
Wow...that was a nice show of chauvinism fellas. I include Jeff in that too, but don't worry he won't be eating anymore of my delicious cooking! You are no longer invited over Jeff!
From: Jeff's sister in law, Megan
Who, ME? I merely commented on: a) how my female readers don't like me; and b) how I don't know any girls who can cook or iron well (mom being the obvious exception). I never said in writing that girls shouldn't play sports or should stay in the kitchen - that was your brother-in-law. Don't give him any delicious cooking.
Matt does bring up a good point tho, girls nowadays do not know how to cook.
By cook, do you mean drive? Or park? Or form rational arguments?
Ya, you're right.
That's an empty threat and you know it Megan. I'll be over there eating and being the same dirty SOB I always am in no time. See you soon!
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