Wednesday, February 08, 2006


As I have previously mentioned, I was thinking about attempting to complete the requirements of an aerobic excellence award. This means I would need to earn 2000 "points" for various aerobic activities in under two years. I have since confirmed this desire, and I am all registered and have begun. In true Matt style, I have made an Excel spreadsheet to keep track of the numbers. So far, in 3.5 weeks, I have accumulated 98 points. This means I should have plenty of time to finish this self-competition.

However, motivation is a funny thing. Sometimes it is there, and then BAM, it's gone. So what I propose to you is that you, too, try this out. All the point values are in the previous post. It isn't very much work to keep track. And that way, we could have some motivation together. You don't win a signed paper certificate at the end, but really, is that the goal anyway? If you really want one, I will make a photocopy. So, what do you say, hmm? Hmmm?


Darth! said...

I say nay.

Unknown said...


Us Archibalds are an active bunch.

Snides said...

Hey Rachel, you can even get the award. Those other lazy commenters sure couldn't, whether they were eligible or not.

Anonymous said...

Yeah, I get unmotivated about now right now I'm skipping class. I'll do this thing with you, purely on the ....honour system.

Heh heh, sucker..

Oops, didn't mean to write that. Ah well, too late.